Helpful Tips For You To Protect Your Plumbing In Winter

As winter settles in, it's essential to ensure your plumbing system is prepared to handle the cold and damp conditions. Our mates at Garcia Plumbing and Gas, are here to help you keep your home safe and warm throughout the season. Here are some key winter maintenance tips to keep the plumbing at your property working well through winter. 


Inspect gutters and drains

Winter rain means more water naturally accumulates around your property. Regular checks of gutters and drains, ensure water can be directed where it needs to go. Make sure your drains are functioning correctly and clear of debris to prevent flooding and water damage.


Service hot water systems

The colder weather also means water heating systems are put under more stress than the warmer months. A service check can save money in the long run, plus a lot of hassle in the middle of winter. A well-maintained hot water system runs efficiently and reduces the risk of breakdowns when you need it most.


Check for leaks

Cold weather can aggravate existing plumbing issues around your property. Regularly inspect your property for any leaks or drips and address them promptly to avoid more significant problems down the line.


Know the location of the main shut-off valve

In case of an emergency, it's crucial to know where your main shutoff valve is located. Ensure it’s functioning correctly to quickly stop the water flow if a pipe bursts.


Need help or advice? We’re here to help

If you need assistance with any of the above tasks, the team of experienced professionals at Garcia Plumbing and Gas is here to help. Don’t wait until it's too late – schedule a service appointment today to ensure your plumbing system is sorted throughout winter, or if you need any other plumbing advice or help. Just get in touch by phoning 022 046 1463 or by email at [email protected] 


Article by: Garcia Plumbing and Gas